Terms and Conditions

Last updated 01/18/21

Terms and Conditions

The following Terms and Conditions are presented to create awareness
and acceptance of your responsibilities as they relate directly to the
Electronic Banking Services, Mobile Banking Services, or Personal
Financial Management Services being offered to you by Pioneer Trust Institution. Your use of any of those services means that you have
received and accepted all of the following Terms and Conditions.

1. Definitions

"Advice Centre" includes any one or more of the following:

  • Any physical Advice Centre of Pioneer Trust Institution; or
  • Any location or method providing electronic banking services
    for, or on behalf of, Pioneer Trust Institution or its members or

"Pioneer Trust Institution" or "Pioneer" includes Pioneer Trust or any successor or other Credit Union operating a business
formerly carried on by Pioneer Trust Institution.
"Electronic Banking Services" includes any one or more of the following:

  • TeleBanking - Pioneer’s automated telephone banking service or
    any other telephone banking system being used by Pioneer - including
    any system permitting, or which allows you to give, instructions
    verbally or through the use of an interactive voice response system;
  • Any online, internet or web-based banking service;
  • Mobile Banking;
  • Any electronic routing and electronic document presentment and
    payment service or any service then being offered by providers of any
    such service; and 
  • Any other electronic banking service.

"Mobile Banking Services" includes any one or more of the following: 

  • Mobile Remote Deposit Services, Pioneer Trust Institution's
    mobile application which allows you to deposit to your account by way of
     scanning an image of a cheque using your mobile phone/device ("Mobile
    Device") and transmitting it to Pioneer Trust Institution; 
  • Mobile Payment Service, the service which allows you to make
    purchases at participating merchant's contactless payment terminals
    using your mobile phone/device; and   
  • Other applications or services approved of or offered by Pioneer for use by mobile phones/devices.

"Personal Financial Management Services" means the services by which
you pull data from your Pioneer account as well as your accounts from
other financial institutions ("non-Pioneer accounts") to categorize
and/or aggregate such account information in order to compile a complete
 financial overview.
"Services":  Where the term "Services" is used alone, it
includes Electronic Banking Services, Mobile Banking Services and
Personal Financial Management Services.

2. Use of your Passwords

"Password" means any security code, number or electronic code used in
 connection with access to any Electronic Banking, Mobile Banking or
Personal Financial Management Service, including  online or
internet banking.
Your Password is used to access the Services and to identify you. You
 authorize us to accept, and you agree to be responsible for, any
instructions given to us through any Electronic Banking Service, Mobile
Banking Service or Personal Financial Management Service and the use of
your Password.

3. Password Confidentiality

You are responsible for the care and control of all of your Passwords. You must keep your Passwords confidential.
This includes but is not limited to:  

  • Never writing down your Password(s) or storing it/them on your computer; 
  • Never disclosing your Password(s) to anyone, including a spouse,
     family member, friend, law enforcement official, financial institution
    representative, etc., including via voice mail, email or over the phone; 
  • Avoiding Password(s) combinations that may be easily guessed or
    linked to you such as your name, birthday, Social Insurance Number,
    phone number etc.; 
  • Hiding your Password(s) while using it for accessing any Electronic Banking Service access point; and 
  • Changing your Password(s) frequently (every 90 to 120 days).

You will notify us immediately by speaking directly with a
representative of Pioneer Trust Institution if your Password has become
 known to someone else, or you suspect it has become known to someone
else or otherwise compromised.

4. Acceptance of this Agreement

Use of any Electronic Banking, Mobile Banking or Personal Financial
Management Service will show that you have received, understood and
agreed to this Agreement.

5. Use of Electronic Banking Services

You agree that you will use the Electronic Banking Services in
accordance with the terms and conditions in this Agreement. You also
agree that you will not use the Electronic Banking Services for illegal,
 fraudulent or defamatory purposes or take any action which may
undermine the security or integrity of any of the Electronic Banking
Services, or cause harm, or threaten to cause harm, to any other use or
user of the Electronic Banking Services.

6. Authorization

Each and every transaction performed using your Password or of an
Electronic Banking, Mobile Banking or Personal Financial Management
Service shall have the same legal effect as if it had been performed
according to written instructions signed by you. If you hold an account
jointly, each joint holder will be jointly and severally liable for all
transactions performed. Each transaction becomes final once processed
by, or on behalf of, Pioneer Trust Institution and Pioneer Trust has no obligation to reverse any transaction.

7. Choice of Electronic Banking Services

You may choose which Electronic Banking Services you wish to access.
For example, you may designate which accounts you wish to link to
TeleBanking. You may also access your accounts by logging onto the
online internet banking service.

8. Mobile Banking Website or App

We may provide you access to online internet banking through a Mobile
 Banking Website or App.  Be aware that you may not have access
through the Mobile Banking Website or App to all online banking
features, content and information.

9. Use of Mobile Banking Services

You agree that you will use the Mobile Banking Services in accordance with the terms and conditions in the Master Agreement.
 You further agree that you will not use the Services for illegal,
fraudulent or defamatory purposes nor take any action which may
undermine the security or integrity of any of the Mobile Banking
Services, or cause harm, or threaten to cause harm, to any other use or
user of the Mobile Banking Services.
In order to use the Mobile Banking Services, you must obtain and
maintain, at your expense, compatible hardware and software meeting
specifications provided by Pioneer Trust Institution.

10. Deposit of Cheques using Mobile Banking Services

a. Agency Relationship

When you scan and transmit an image of a cheque, you are acting on
behalf of Pioneer Trust Institution as agent for the purpose of
clearing the cheques through the Canadian payment system.

b. Eligible Cheques and Endorsement

You must scan and transmit an image of both the front and back of an
Eligible Cheque for deposit to your account. You are responsible for
ensuring that the image you have scanned is an Eligible Cheque.
"Eligible Cheque" means a cheque that:  

  • Is payable only to you or an individual with whom you share a joint account;
  • Is payable in Canadian dollars;
  • Has not been altered;
  • Is not suspected by you to be fraudulent;
  • Is not drawn on a financial institution located outside of Canada;
  • Has not been dated more than six months prior to the date of deposit;
  • Is not a cheque payable jointly, unless deposited into an account in the name of all payees;
  • Has been properly endorsed.
c. Endorsement

After successful deposit transmission, you agree to restrictively endorse the back of any cheque transmitted as:
"Deposited via Mobile Banking, Date Deposited"

d. Image Quality

The image of a cheque transmitted to Pioneer Trust Institution must be legible, as we, in our sole discretion, determine.

e. Receipt and rejection of Items

We reserve the right to reject any image transmitted. We are not
responsible for any images which we do not receive. An image shall be
deemed to be received when you obtain a confirmation from Pioneer Trust Institution. Receipt of confirmation does not mean that the
transmission was error free or complete.
We reserve the right to chargeback to your account the amount of any
image that we have later determined was not an Eligible Cheque. You
agree that Pioneer Trust Institution will not be responsible for any
loss, costs or fees associated with such chargeback.

f. Disposal of Eligible Cheques

Upon confirmation of the receipt of an image, you agree to retain the
 cheque for at least 90 days from the date of transmission. Prior to 120
 days passing, you agree to destroy the cheque by marking it "VOID" or
shredding it.

g. Deposit Limits

From time to time, we may establish limits on the amount, and/or number, of cheques that may be deposited.

h. Additional Promises

You promise to Pioneer Trust Institution that:

  • You will only transmit Eligible Cheques;
  • You will not transmit duplicate cheques;
  • You will not re-deposit the original cheque;
  • You will provide, to us, the original cheque if we request it within 90 days of transmission; and
  • You will follow any and all other procedures we may specify for use of the Mobile Remote Deposit Services.

11. Use of Personal Financial Management Services

The use of Personal Financial Management Services is subject to
the Terms and Conditions relating to Personal Financial Management
Services attached to this Agreement.  You agree that you will use
the Personal Financial Management Services in accordance with those
terms and conditions.

12. Secure Access to Services

You are responsible for ensuring that you access all Services in a secure and safe fashion.
This includes but is not limited to:  

  • Installation on your computer of anti-spyware and an anti-virus programs that are maintained current with updates;
  • Installation and use of a personal firewall on your computer that is maintained current with updates;
  • Installation of new security patches as soon as your operating
    system and internet browser manufacturers and other applicable software
    vendors make them available;
  • Installation of any other security-related software that may be specifically recommended by us from time to time;
  • Disabling automatic password-save features in any browser and
    software you use to access the Internet for the purpose of using any of
    the Services;
  • Not using the "memorize account" feature on publicly available computers;
  • Use of a locking code on, and taking other security measures for, any mobile devices;
  • Always exiting our Internet banking site using the "log out"
    button and closing your browser if you step away from your computer; and
  • Securing or erasing files stored on your computer by your browser so others cannot read them.

The practice of accessing your account information through publicly
accessible computers is strongly discouraged. The use of computers at
locations such as Internet cafes, public libraries, hotel lobbies and
the like greatly increases the risk of possible unauthorized access to
your accounts. Use of these public devices is to be avoided. If it is
determined to be the compromise point, this could have a negative impact
 on any compensation for any potential losses you suffer.

13. Liability for Electronic Banking Service Transactions and Mobile Banking Service Transactions

You are responsible and liable for the full amount of all activity on your accounts resulting from:

  • The use of your Password by you or any person to whom you have
  • made the Password available if you have not been the victim of trickery,
     force, intimidation or theft;
  • The use of your Password by any person if the Password has
    become compromised due to any failure to adhere to the safeguards for
    Password security contained in this Agreement;
  • Your failure to notify us as soon as you have become aware that your Password may have become known to someone else; or
  • An entry error or a fraudulent or worthless deposit made through any Electronic Banking Service or Mobile Banking Service.

        Your liability may exceed your account’s credit balance or available funds if:  

  • The account has overdraft protection or is linked to an account with this feature; or
  • The transaction is completed on the
    basis of an entry error or a fraudulent or worthless deposit made
    through an Electronic Banking Service or Mobile Banking Service.

We will consider requests to release you
from liability for transactions completed through an     
     Electronic Banking Service where it can be shown that you
 were the victim of fraud, theft or have been coerced by trickery, force
 or intimidation provided that you:

i. fulfill all of your obligations under
this Agreement (including, without limitation, those relating to
security and confidentiality of your Password);

ii. report the incident to us as soon as
possible by speaking directly with a representative of Pioneer Trust Institution (transactions that occur before you notify Pioneer Trust are not necessarily reimbursable);

iii. have followed recommended procedures; and

iv. cooperate fully in any investigation.

14. Electronic Banking Service Charges, Mobile Banking Service Charges and Personal Financial Management Service Charges

You will be charged our current service charges for the Services.
Please see our service charge brochure for our current fees,  which
 may change from time to time. Our service charges may be posted in any
Advice Centre or on our website. You may obtain our current service
charges upon request. You authorize us to debit your account for any
applicable service charges.

15. Electronic Payments

You are responsible for the accuracy of your electronic payment
instructions including, but not limited to, the name of the billing
company or recipient, the billing or account number, and the payment
You are responsible to promptly and carefully examine your account
transactions in order to ensure that the electronic payments have been
successfully and correctly processed. You agree to notify us within 30
days of the electronic payment date of any error or discrepancies. If we
 don’t receive notice within 30 days, we will assume that each
transaction was valid and correct.
We are not responsible for any penalties, fees, interest, costs or
damages imposed upon or suffered by you with respect to any payments or
for our inability to retrieve electronic payments from third party
accounts with us or from, or with, other financial institutions.
The electronic payment options available from Pioneer includes Interac® Online
 Payment, the online debit payment feature available from selected
merchant websites and processed through online banking which allows you
to debit funds from your accounts to pay for goods and services to a
participating third party merchant. If you choose to use Interac® Online Payment you specifically acknowledge and agree as follows in addition to the above:
• You can only make an Interac® Online Payment from a Canadian bank account using Canadian dollars;
• Even where you have authorized an Interac® Online
 Payment from your account, the funds may not be withdrawn from your
account and/or the third party merchant may not receive the Payment on
the date you instruct for a number of reasons, including the Payment
being intercepted or misdirected during transmission;
• You cannot cancel a Payment after it has been authorized by you, and you agree that we and our Interac® Online Payment service providers, Central 1 and Acxsys Corporation, are entitled to pay an Interac® Online Payment from your account to a third party merchant once such Payment has been authorized by you;
• If the third party merchant does not accept the Payment within a
reasonable time (as determined by Pioneer in its sole discretion), or
cancels or declines receipt, then the funds will be returned to your
account within a reasonable time thereafter;
• We may cancel a Payment without notice to you if we have reason to
believe a mistake has occurred or if we believe the Payment is a product
 of unlawful or fraudulent activity; and
• We are not responsible for and are under no obligation to
participate in any disputes you may have with a third party merchant for
 any reason whatsoever. Neither we nor Central 1 or Acxsys Corporation
are responsible for requests for refunds.

16. Interac® e-Transfer

To send an Interac® e-Transfer, you must provide
the recipient's email address and/or mobile phone number and a security
question that will be used to authenticate the recipient of the
transfer. To receive an Interac® e-Transfer, you must
 correctly answer the security question.  You are responsible for
ensuring the protection of the answer to the security question and you
agree that you will never send the answer to a security question by
e-mail, text message or any other electronic method to the
A sender may cancel an Interac® e-Transfer
transaction at any time prior to the point at which the transfer has
been successfully claimed by the recipient. We will be entitled to pay
the transfer to anyone who claims it as the recipient and correctly
answers the security question, whether or not that person is intended to
 receive the transfer. We will not be liable for losses incurred by you
as a sender or recipient of an Interac® e-Transfer as
 a result of any misuse, improper communication or disclosure of the
answer to the security question. All disputes must be handled directly
between the sender and the recipient.
You acknowledge that Interac® e-Transfers are
subject to number and dollar limits that may change from time to time
without notice to you. We cannot guarantee the date that we will process
 an Interac® e-Transfer transaction, and we will not
be liable for any costs, expenses, losses or inconvenience that the
sender or recipient may incur as a result of a delay in processing
an Interac® e-Transfer.

17. Mobile Payment Service

You are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of the account
information you enter into the Mobile Payment Service, and you are
solely responsible for transactions processed through the Mobile Payment
Your use of your debit card and the Mobile Payment Service is subject
 to the additional terms in the Pioneer MemberCard Debit Card/Personal
Identification Number/Mobile Payment Service Agreement.
You also understand that your use of the Mobile Payment Service may
also be subject to additional agreements or terms of use with Interac® and/or
 other third parties, such as your wireless carrier and other websites
and services integrated into the Mobile Payment Service, including
payment services that are made available through eligible Apple® or Android devices.
You acknowledge and agree that the Apple Pay Terms of Use attached to
 this Agreement will apply if you add, activate or use your debit card
for the Apple Pay™ service. The Apple Pay
service is a service offered exclusively by Apple that allows you to
make a payment with an Pioneer debit card on an eligible Apple® device
You are responsible for any fees that are imposed by a party other
than Pioneer such as applicable wireless carrier data or usage fees
incurred using the Mobile Payment Service.
For greater certainty, you agree that you will not:

  •  copy, modify, adapt, enhance, translate or create a derivative work of the Mobile Payment Service;    

  • license, sublicense, market or distribute the Mobile Payment Service, or provide any copies to a third party;   
  • attempt to reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble or make error corrections to any part of the Mobile Payment Service; or   
  • use any part of the Mobile Payment Service to gain access to interconnecting software applications to do the same.

Pioneer is not responsible for the performance or security of the
Mobile Payment Service. The Mobile Payment Service may not be available
for all purchase amounts or at all merchants where your client or debit
card is accepted. Pioneer, payment networks or merchants may establish
transaction limits from time to time, and you will be unable to complete
 a transaction which exceeds these limits. Pioneer is not responsible
for any loss, injury or inconvenience you suffer as a result of a
merchant refusing to accept the Mobile Payment Service.
You are responsible for keeping your Mobile Payment Service login and
 credentials private and secure. After  enrolling in the Mobile
Payment Service, you will secure your mobile device(s) with the same
care you would your Password in order to avoid unauthorized use of your
account(s) and will protect it with a secure access code and/or
biometric. Except as otherwise set out in this Agreement, you will be
responsible for all transactions carried out using your mobile device
regardless of whether the credentials used were yours or those of
another person. If your mobile device is lost or stolen, your login and
credentials are compromised, or if you believe there is an error on your
 account or you suspect fraud, you agree to immediately notify us by
speaking directly with a representative of Pioneer Trust Institution.
The collection, use and disclosure of your personal information is
governed by the Pioneer Privacy and Market Code. In addition, you agree
 that Pioneer may collect, use and disclose personal information about
you, including information related to your account(s) and use of the
Mobile Payment Service, in order to verify your identity and to make the
 Mobile Payment Service available to you.
Pioneer may change the type of accounts that are eligible for the
Mobile Payment Service or stop participating in the Mobile Payment
Service at any time. We may take these actions at any time, without
telling you first, and for any reason, including if you fail to comply
with this Agreement, if we suspect fraud, if your account is not in good
 standing, if there is a change in applicable law, or for any other
reason as we determine in our sole discretion.

18. Business Accounts and Services

In the case of accessing Business Accounts and Services, by the act
of designating a person as a Business User, you are authorizing that
person to view information about the Business and if online transactions
 are permitted, you are also authorizing that person to carry out online
 transactions on behalf of the Business.
For greater certainty, if you choose to appoint only one Business
User or to allow any single Business User to approve transactions on
your behalf despite that two or more signatures are otherwise required
to operate the Account, then you agree that Pioneer Trust Institution
is entitled to rely on the instructions received from such single
Business User.
In these cases, you, the Business, accept the responsibility for all
losses that may arise from a Business User misusing his or her authority
 in any way, either purportedly on behalf of the business or for
personal or other purposes.
The Business and individual Business User will ensure that the
Business User meets any eligibility or other requirements for online
access that we communicate as part of the application process.
The Business is also responsible for ensuring that any changes with
respect to any authorized or designated Business User are appropriately
managed by you, the Business, and that passwords and other applicable
user identification or access information are managed accordingly.

19. Single Sign-On for Business Accounts and Personal Accounts

The Electronic Banking Service provides a single sign-on process for
access to your personal accounts as well as any Business Accounts that
you have the authority to sign alone on (in other words, Business
Accounts which only require your signature in order to authorize a
Accordingly, you may make transfers from Business Accounts to
personal accounts, may make personal bill payments from Business
Accounts, or conduct any other transactions involving Business and
personal accounts as may be permitted with respect to such accounts. The
 Business accepts the responsibility for all losses that may arise from
your access to the Business Accounts and personal accounts.

20. Transaction Records Activity

Our transaction records will be conclusive proof of your use of any
Electronic Banking Service or Mobile Banking Service and will be
considered your written request to perform the transaction.

21. Real Time Alerts

The terms of this section apply only if you enroll in and use the
Alerts Services. If there is a conflict between these alert terms and
the overall Terms and Conditions, the terms of this section will apply
to the extent necessary to resolve the conflict.
For the purposes of this section, the following terms will have the following meanings:

  • "Alerts" means notifications about certain events or situations
    that we make available through the Alerts Services from time to time.
    Alerts may be sent by email, SMS text message and/or by in-app
    notification to a Mobile Device.   
  • "Alerts Section" means the location in Electronic Banking where you can select, manage and 

        view your Alerts;   
  • "Alerts Services" means: 
        (i) the location in a mobile application that is designed by us (or
    by a third-party service provider for us) where you can select, manage
    and view your Alerts; or
        (ii) the location in Electronic Banking where you can select, manage and view your Alerts;   

  • "In-App Notification" is a notification sent through the Pioneer Mobile application (app) installed on your Mobile Device.   
  • "SMS" or "Short Message Service" is a text messaging service component of a Mobile Device.

a. Availability and Use of Alerts Services

You acknowledge that we may make all or part of the Alerts Services
available to you from time to time but we are not under any obligation
to do so. The availability of the Alerts Services may also depend on
whether the Alerts Services is supported by your mobile carrier.
The Manage Alerts Section in Electronic Banking will allow you to
select each type of Alert that you wish to receive and whether you
receive it via email, SMS or in-app notification, provided that:

  • In order to receive Alerts by email you must register your email address with us in the My Profile Section;   
  • If we make Alerts available via in-app notification to your
    Mobile Device, you may be required to adjust the settings on your Mobile
     Device; and   
  • If we make Alerts available by SMS text message to your Mobile
    Device, you will be required to register the Mobile Device with us in
    the Manage Alerts Section   
  • You acknowledge that we can, at any time and without notice to you:   
  • Add or remove an Alert from the Alerts Services for any reason;   
  • Impose limits on the number of email addresses, mobile phone
    numbers or Mobile Devices that you will be allowed to receive Alerts to;
  • Limit how a particular type of Alert is made available to you
    (i.e. only by email, SMS text message or in-app notification, etc.).


You can add or remove any or all Alerts from the Alerts Services at any time in the Manage Alerts Section.

b. Non-Secure Alerts and Non-Delivery

Alerts are not encrypted and will be sent by a non-secure method such as email, text message or in-app notification.
Alerts are sent on a best efforts basis and Pioneer does not guarantee delivery.
You also acknowledge that Alerts may be lost, reviewed, intercepted
or changed by others before they are  received by you (including by
 others that may have access to your Mobile Device or email account).

c. Carrier Charges

We do not charge for Alerts, but standard message and data rates may
be charged by your mobile carrier. Your relationship with your mobile
carrier is independent and separate from your relationship with us and
is outside of our control. Any dispute that relates to the rates charged
 by your mobile carrier to view or access Alerts on your Mobile Device
is strictly between you and your mobile carrier, and you agree to raise
no defence or claim against us.

22. Liability for Damages

We will not be responsible or liable for any damage, loss or
inconvenience you may incur if you are unable to access any or all
Services as a result of any failure or malfunction, even if such failure
 or malfunction was the result of our negligence or the negligence of
our employees. We are not making any representations, warranties of any
kind, expressed or implied, to the effect that any Services will be
available at any particular time. There are no implied warranties of
merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose related to the
provision of Services.

23. Cancellation

You may cancel any Service at any Advice Centre of Pioneer Trust Institution. However, you must still fulfill all your obligations under
this Agreement.

24. Termination

We may terminate your Password, this Agreement or your access to any
of the Services without notice to you. However, you must still fulfill
all your obligations under this Agreement and will not be relieved of
your obligations until all amounts owing to us have been paid in full.

25. Privacy Policy

When you access the Services, you acknowledge and accept the Privacy
Code of Pioneer Trust Institution and any other privacy policies which
we may adopt from time to time. Our Privacy Code and other privacy
policies are available at any Advice Centre and on the website of
Pioneer Trust Institution.

26. Indemnity

You undertake to indemnify and hold us harmless from and against any
and all losses, costs and damages as well as any and all claims or suits
 which may be brought against us by third parties because of your
failure to comply with our instructions and with your obligations under
this Agreement.

27. Proper Law and Severability

This Agreement shall be governed by, and construed in accordance
with, the laws of Saskatchewan, and the courts of Saskatchewan shall
have exclusive jurisdiction for any matters or disputes arising from
this Agreement or any transactions related to it. Any provision of this
Agreement which is deemed to be, or becomes, void, illegal, invalid or
unenforceable shall be severable from this Agreement and shall not
affect the remaining provisions of this Agreement.

28. Amendments

We may change the provisions of this Agreement, including the
definitions, from time to time. We will notify you of the changes either
 by sending you a notice, by posting a notice in all of our Advice Centres, or by posting a notice or the information on the Pioneer Trust Institution website.
If you use any of the Services after we send or post a notice, you
are accepting the amendments as of the date the notice was sent or

29. Electronic Signatures

This document may be signed and delivered electronically or by other
similar means and may be executed in counterparts, all of which shall be
 as effective as if signed and delivered as one original document with
original signatures.
Where an electronic signature is available and used, the person using
 the electronic signature is adopting such signature and authorizes it
to be attached to or associated with this document.
Interac® Trademark of Interac Corp.  Used under license.

Personal Financial Management Service Terms and Conditions

The terms and conditions herein only apply if you choose to use the
Personal Financial Management ("PFM") Services. If there is a conflict
between these PFM terms and the overall Terms and Conditions, the terms
of this Section will apply to the extent necessary to resolve the

The PFM Services allow you to pull data from your Pioneer account as
well as your accounts with other financial institutions ("non-Pioneer
accounts") and to categorize and/or aggregate such account information
in order to provide you with a complete financial overview. Pioneer
provides the PFM Services through Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.,
doing business as Geezeo ("Geezeo"). 

For the purposes of providing the PFM Services, you authorize and direct
 Pioneer and Geezeo to retrieve account information in your name and on
 your behalf from the specific Pioneer and non-Pioneer accounts you
have selected to be aggregated, and to consolidate, organize, and
present such account information in aggregated form to you as part of
the PFM Services. You confirm that you have the right to give Pioneer
and Geezeo this authorization and direction. For greater certainty, you
understand and agree that use of the PFM Services requires you to
disclose to Pioneer and Geezeo confidential account information,
including your login details for non-Pioneer accounts and other
non-Pioneer account information necessary for providing the PFM
Services. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Pioneer does not store or
otherwise have access to non-Pioneer account information. Geezeo will
store all information required to access your non-Pioneer accounts.

You are responsible, on an ongoing basis, for determining whether use of
 the PFM Services violates any of the terms governing your non-Pioneer
accounts, as well as for the consequences of any such violation. You are
 responsible for ensuring that your account access information is
accurate, complete and up-to-date, and neither Pioneer nor Geezeo is
responsible for the accuracy, completeness and/or currency of any
non-Pioneer account information or any information provided through the
 PFM Services. You agree not to misrepresent your identity or your
account information in connection with any use of the PFM Services.
Further, you are prohibited from copying, reproducing, distributing or
creating derivative works from any content provided to you through the
PFM Services. You acknowledge and agree that Pioneer's version of your
Pioneer account data is the one true version and supersedes any data in
 the PFM Services.

You acknowledge that Pioneer or Geezeo can, at any time, refuse to
aggregate any Pioneer or non-Pioneer account in connection with the
PFM Services; remove, for any reason, any Pioneer or non-Pioneer
account from the PFM Services; or limit the number of Pioneer or
non-Pioneer accounts allowed to be aggregated in connection with the
PFM Services. 

You acknowledge and agree that the PFM Services are provided on an "as
is" and "as available" basis, and that your use of the PFM Services is
at your sole risk. You acknowledge and agree that Pioneer and Geezeo
expressly disclaim all warranties of any kind as to the PFM Services,
including implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a
particular purpose, and non-infringement, all to the fullest extent
permitted by law. You acknowledge and agree that Pioneer is not
responsible for any loss of any kind whatever relating to your use of
the PFM Services. You acknowledge and agree that using the PFM Services
does not obligate Pioneer or Geezeo to monitor any non-Pioneer account
 for unusual, unauthorized or otherwise fraudulent activity.  

You understand Pioneer may collect data about you in connection with
your use of the PFM Services, and consent to Pioneer's use of that data
 to market Pioneer services to you related to the PFM Services.

You authorize the disclosure of your Pioneer account information to
non-Pioneer financial institutions in connection with PFM Services or
similar services provided at your request by such other financial

You may withdraw from the PFM Services and/or withdraw your consent to
receive marketing and promotional offers at any time by contacting
Pioneer at info@pioneeraccessweb.com.
 If you withdraw from the PFM Services, you understand and agree that
certain additional integrated services offered by Pioneer may no longer
 be available.

Third-Party Digital Wallet Terms of Use


Pioneer Trust offers its members the ability to use eligible Pioneer Trust debit cards ("cards") with supported third-party digital wallet services ("Third-Party Digital Wallets") on any compatible device ("device"). These Terms of Use govern your relationship with Pioneer in respect of your use of Third-Party Digital Wallets.
Please read these Terms of Use carefully. These Terms of Use are a
legal agreement between you and us, and you are responsible for
reviewing and understanding all terms applicable to your use of
Third-Party Digital Wallets. If you do not agree to all applicable
terms, you may not use Third-Party Digital Wallets in connection with
Pioneer cards. If you add, activate or use your card for use with a
Third-Party Digital Wallet, it means that you accept and agree to these
Terms of Use.
In these Terms of Use, "you" and "your" means each Credit Union
Member who has been issued a Credit Union card. "We", "us", "our" and
"Credit Union" means Pioneer Trust Institution. "Provider" means a
third-party providing a Third-Party Digital Wallet.

Other Documents and Agreements:

These Terms of Use are in addition to, and supplement, all other
agreements between Credit Union and Member regarding Credit Union’s
products and services. If there is any conflict or inconsistency between
 these Terms of Use and the other agreements, then these Terms of Use
will take priority and govern with respect to Third-Party Digital
You understand that your use of Third-Party Digital Wallets may also
be subject to additional agreements or terms of use with the applicable
Provider or with other third parties, such as your wireless carrier and
the websites and services of other third parties integrated into
Third-Party Digital Wallets.

Use of Cards in Third-Party Digital Wallets:

If you want to add a card to a Third-Party Digital Wallet, you must
follow the procedures adopted by the Provider, any instructions provided
 by us, and any further procedures the Provider or we adopt. You
understand that we may not add a card to a Third-Party Digital Wallet if
 we cannot verify the card, if your account is not in good standing, if
we suspect that there may be fraud associated with your card or for any
other reason we determine at our sole discretion. Third-Party Digital
Wallets allow you to make purchases using your card wherever the
Third-Party Digital Wallet is accepted. Third-Party Digital Wallets may
not be accepted at all places where your card is accepted.

Removal, Blocking, or Suspension of Card:

We may not permit the addition of a card to a Third-Party Digital
Wallet, or we may remove, suspend or cancel your access to a Third-Party
 Digital Wallet at any time, if we cannot verify the card, if we suspect
 that there may be fraud associated with the use of the card, if your
account is not in good standing, if applicable laws change, or for any
other reason we determine at our sole discretion.
You may suspend, delete or reactivate a card from a Third-Party
Digital Wallet by following the Provider's procedures for suspension,
deletion or reactivation. In certain circumstances, your card may be
suspended or removed from a Third-Party Digital Wallet by the Provider.

Maximum Dollar Limit:

Payment networks, merchants or we may establish transaction limits
from time to time in their or our discretion. As a result, you may be
unable to use a Third-Party Digital Wallet to complete a transaction
that exceeds these limits.

Applicable Fees:

We do not charge you any fees for adding a card to a Third-Party
Digital Wallet. Please consult your card agreement for any applicable
fees or other charges associated with your card.
Your mobile service carrier, the Provider or other third parties may
charge you service fees in connection with your use of your device or a
Third-Party Digital Wallet.


You must contact us immediately if your card is lost or stolen, if
your device is lost or stolen, or if your card account is compromised.
If you get a new device, you must delete all your card and other
personal information from your prior device.
You are required to contact us immediately if there are errors or if
you suspect fraud with your card. We will resolve any potential error or
 fraudulent purchase in accordance with the applicable account
You agree to protect and keep confidential your User IDs and
passwords. If you share these credentials with others, they may be able
to access your Third-Party Digital Wallet and make purchases with your
card or obtain your personal information.
Before using a Third-Party Digital Wallet you should ensure that only
 your credentials are registered on your device as these will then be
considered authorized to make transactions related to your card. If the
credentials of another person are used to unlock your device or make
transactions, these transactions will be deemed to be authorized by you.
You are prohibited from using a Third-Party Digital Wallet on a
device that you know or have reason to believe has had its security or
integrity compromised (e.g. where the device has been "jailbroken",
"rooted" or otherwise had its security mechanisms bypassed).
The Provider is responsible for the security of information provided to it or stored in its Third-Party Digital Wallet.

Liability for Loss:

You are solely responsible for all account transactions made using
your card processed through a Third-Party Digital Wallet. You are
responsible for the completeness and accuracy of the account information
 you enter into a Third-Party Digital Wallet. Only the individual member
 whose name is associated with the card should add the card to a
Third-Party Digital Wallet.


You consent to the collection, use and disclosure of your personal
information from time to time as provided in our privacy policy, which
is available on our website. We may share with or receive from a
Provider such information as may reasonably be necessary to determine
your eligibility for, enrollment in and use of a Third-Party Digital
Wallet and any Third-Party Digital Wallet features you may select (for
example, your name and details such as card number and expiry date).
A Provider may aggregate your information or make it anonymous for
the purposes set out in its privacy policy or terms of use. To help
protect you and us from error and criminal activities, we and a Provider
 may share information reasonably required for such purposes as fraud
detection and prevention (for example, informing a Provider if you
notify us of a lost or stolen device).


You agree to receive communications from us, including emails to the
email address or text message to the mobile number you have provided in
connection with your card account. These communications will relate to
your use of your card(s) in a Third-Party Digital Wallet. You agree to
update your contact information when it changes by contacting us. You
may also contact us if you wish to withdraw your consent to receive
these communications but doing so may result in your inability to
continue to use your card(s) in a Third-Party Digital Wallet.

No Warranty and Exclusion of Liability:

For the purpose of this Section, "Credit Union" means Credit Union
and its agents, contractors, and service providers, and each of their
respective subsidiaries. The provisions set out in this section shall
survive termination of these Terms of Use.
Third-Party Digital Wallet Services are provided by the respective
Providers, and Credit Union is not responsible for any Third-Party
Digital Wallet's use or function. You acknowledge and agree that Credit
Union makes no representations, warranties or conditions relating to any
 Third-Party Digital Wallet of any kind, and in particular, Credit Union
 does not warrant: (a) the operability or functionality of any
Third-Party Digital Wallet or that any Third-Party Digital Wallet will
be available to complete a transaction; (b) that any particular merchant
 will be a participating merchant at which any Third-Party Digital
Wallet is accepted; (c) that any Third-Party Digital Wallet will meet
your requirements or that the operation of any Third-Party Digital
Wallet will be uninterrupted or error-free; and (d) the availability or
operability of the wireless networks of any device.
Credit Union will have no liability whatever in relation to any
Third-Party Digital Wallet, including without limitation in relation to
the sale, distribution or use thereof, or the performance or
non-performance of any Third-Party Digital Wallet, or any loss, injury
or inconvenience you suffer. You may want to consider keeping your
physical card with you to use in the event you cannot make a transaction
 using a Third-Party Digital Wallet.

Changes to the Terms of Use:

We may change these Terms of Use or the agreements associated with
the use of your card with a Third-Party Digital Wallet. You agree to any
 changes to these Terms of Use or agreement(s) associated with the use
of your card or account by your continued use of your card with a
Third-Party Digital Wallet. If you do not accept the revised Terms of
Use or agreement(s), you must delete your card from all Third-Party
Digital Wallets.

Contacting Us:

You may contact us about anything concerning your card or these Terms of Use by emailing our Contact Centre at info@pioneeraccessweb.com.
If you have any questions or complaints about a Third-Party Digital
Wallet, or disputes with a Provider, you should contact the Provider.

Interac e-Transfer is a registered trademark of Interac Inc. Used under licence.